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Painting workshops emerged in nature of the Dolomites
We observe the beautiful landscape of the Dolomites through our Creativity. Every week this summer many travelers, tourists and locals joined on a hike paired with a plain-air water color painting workshop.
Being honest before the first workshop earlier this summer I was very nervous. I had only ever taught painting and art to kids and teenagers but never to adults. And although water color painting is always the same I was in doubts wether my playful approach and sitting on the hard rocks of the river bed or the humid grass would be as attractive for adults as it was for kids. But all my worries were left behind when I saw the shining eyes of adults that accessed their creativity freely and happily.
The participants were each workshop between 2 and 6 women what made a personal learning experience super easy and I could pick up every learner at the personal point of experience and introduce everybody to landscape painting in a way that made them curious to explore water colors further.
Some days were cloudy and some super hot and every time the landscape showed something very special. Some of us concentrated on forest details while other art works showed the beautiful houses of Forni embedded in the valley. I enjoyed meeting all this different people who had in common just the I love for nature and the curiosity towards their creativity. I am thankful for the encounter with an older lady who told me of the million courses she is doing to never stop learning, the talks with an art historian that works in education, fellow germans who joined me for a holiday and painted with me. (which challenged me to do some bi-lingual workshops too) and charming families who embarked on this little adventure together. I was impressed by the vivid curiosity of all the different generations and every time impressed on how much one can learn in a couple of ours in the right environment and equipped with motivation and a paint brush.
„Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment.“